
Who We Are

President Mariano keeps the club running smoothly!

It's Time to Start Your Adventure

New Flyer Protocol

The Collier Fun Flyers want to help all new flyers discover their wings.  To prevent accidents the Club’s policy requires all new flyers to be evaluated on their skill level.  Expert flyers will assist beginner flyers with a Buddy Box and observe the new flyer’s ability.  They can also teach the basics of flying and help develop  confidence that will have you soaring the skies in no time.  This first step will not only save your planes from crashing, but will create flying skills that will last a lifetime.

Ask at the field for a Buddy Box pilot to take you up for your first flight.

Keep an eye out for this group of flyers to perform extraordinary maneuvers.  Heads up!

Calendar of Events

Everyone Welcome

No one is too young to learn how to fly!

Field Fashion

Not only do we offer flying instruction, but member Hal provides the latest suggestions for cool weather apparel modeling the "Towel Shawl."

The Fleet of Foamies

There are talented craftsmen in the club, here are a few of the homemade jets. 

Nothing beats the feeling of a smooth landing.  Way to go Rich!